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Exhibition Archive AUG/SEPT 2022

Social media has brought tremendous changes to intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and mass communication processes. As millennials we witnessed the changes in communication patterns, as we were born in the analogue world, and grew into the digital era of living a virtual life rather than a virtuous life. We vainly, and inevitably, hope to replace the in-person contacts with virtual communications. Though, after being in a pandemic for almost 2 years, we have to admit that the tactile form of communication is indispensable. Humans are by nature social animals after all.

Recreation Room D
Kenny Wong


Exhibition Archive NOV 2022

作為千禧一代,我們見證了人與人之間溝通模式的變化。 經歷了過去近兩年的大流行後,我們不得不承認,作為天生的社會動物,面對面的交流方式是必不可少的 。將90年代青少年中心的遊戲重現,揉合30年後今天的科技,重新細味人與人之間溝通模式的轉變。

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